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Leslie Yolen

Berne, NY

Leslie Yolen

Leslie Yolen lives and works in the Hudson Valley
of New York. She has worked predominantly in clay
until recently when painting and sculpture became
her more prominent mediums. She holds a
Bachelor of Fine Arts from Bennington College, a
Master of Science Degree in Visual Arts Education
from the College of Saint Rose and continues to
study with renowned artists in workshop settings.
Her career in arts education has provided a broad
perspective in how meaning is made from the visual
experience, and what that contributes to our shared

Leslie recently retired from her position as the Arts
Education Associate at the New York State
Education Department. Prior to working with
NYSED, Leslie taught Visual Art in the public schools.
Previously, she held several artist residencies in the
schools and operated a successful art studio
business while directing a cooperative fine arts &
craft gallery. When not in her studio, she spends
time in her glorious gardens, with her husband, two
Great Danes and two kittens.

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